陆云光,二级教授、博士生导师,哥伦比亚国家科学院院士,享受国务院政府特殊津贴,曾为德国洪堡基金获得者, 中国科学院“百人计划”特聘教授、浙江省特聘专家、浙江省高校钱江学者特聘教授,被国家科委、科协、团中央授予首届全国青年科技标兵称号, 获江苏省五一劳动荣誉奖章,曾获全国百篇优秀博士学位论文提名导师奖、中国科学院优秀博士学位论文导师奖。作为第一完成人获得中科院自然科学奖二等奖、中科院青年科学家奖二等奖、湖北省自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖、安徽省第五届自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖、浙江省自然科学奖三等奖、浙江省自然科学学术奖一等奖、浙江省高校科研成果奖二等奖等。在Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.、Commun. Math. Phys.、Math. Ann.、JFA、SIAM J. Math. Anal.、CPDE、Israel J. Math.等学术杂志发表100余篇学术论文,在美国CRC出版社和中国科学出版社各出版专著一本。
1. Yunguang Lu, “Hyperboilc Conservation Laws and the Compensated Compactness Method” Chapman & Hall/CRC Press,128, USA, 2003.
2. 陆云光 和 陈志新,补偿列紧方法和双曲守恒律, 科学出版社, 2011年.
[101] Y. Lu, Global solutions and relaxation limit to the Cauchy problem of a hydrodynamic model for semiconductors, J. Differential Equations, 393 (2024) 343-368.
[100] X. Wang, Y. Lu and C. Klingenberg, Viscosity-flux approximation method to inhomogeneous system of isentropic gas dynamics, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 531 (2024) 127872.
[99] Y. Lu, J. Chen, W. Jiang, C. Klingenberg and G. You, The global existence of L∞ solutions to isentropic Euler equations in general nozzle, Math Nachr. 297 (2024) 38-51.
[98] Y. Chen, C. Klingenberg, Y. Lu, X. Wang and G. You, Invariant region on a non-isentropic gas dynamics system, Nonlinear Analysis, Real World Applications 73 (2023) 103915.
[97] X. Wang, Y. Lu, R. de la Cruz and G. You, Global solutions to a hydrodynamic model for semiconductors with velocity relaxation, Acta Math. Sci. 43 (2023) 975-980.
[96] X. Jia, C. Klingenberg, Y. Lu and Q. Sun, Existence of entropy solutions to system of polytropic gas with a class of unbounded sources, Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis, 7 (2023) 437-448.
[95]X. Wang, Y. Lu, Q. Sun and C. Xue, Solutions for a nonstrictly hyperbolic and genuinely nonlinear system, Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis, 7 (2023) 201-207.
[94] S. Yin, X. Wang, Y. Lu and C. Klingenberg, Global solutions of the Cauchy problem to Euler-Poisson equations of two-carrier types, Appl. Math. Let. 132 (2022) 108174.
[93]. Y. Hu, C. Klingenberg and Y. Lu, Zero Relaxation time limits to a hydrodynamic model of two carrier types for semiconductors, Mathematische Annalen, (2022) 382:1031-1046
[92]. C. Xue, C. Klingenberg, Y. Lu and J. Zhang, Zero relaxation time limits to isothermal hydrodynamic model for semiconductor, Appl. Math. Letters, 109(2020), 106528.
[91]. Y. Lu, Existence of global solutions for isentropic gas flow with friction, Nonlinearity, 33(2020), 3940-3969.
[90]. Y. Hu, Y. Lu and N. Tsuge, Global existence and stability to the polytropic gas dynamics with an outer force, Appl. Math. Letters, 95(2019), 35-40.
[89] Q. Sun, Y. Lu and C. Klingenberg, Global solutions to system of isentropic gas dynamics in a divergent nozzle with friction, Acta Matematica Scientia, 39B(2019), 1213-1218..
[88]. Y. Lu, Global solutions to isothermal system in a divergent nozzle with friction, Appl. Math. Letters, 84(2018), 176-180.
[87]. Y. Lu and Y. Sugiyama, Existence and nonexistence theorems of global weak solutions to degenerate quasilinear wave equations for the elasticity, Appl. Math. Letters, 84(2018), 118-123.
[86]. Y. Lu, Global weak solutions for the chromatography system, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 225(2018), No. 2, 721-741.
[85]. Y. Lu, Global existence of solutions to system of polytropic gas dynamics with friction, Nonlinear Analysis, Real World Applications, Volume 39, 2018, 418-423.
[84]. Y. Lu, V. Elder and J. Xie, Global existence of weak solutions for n×n system of chromatography, Nonlinear Analysis, Real World Applications, Volume 37, 2017, 309-316
[83]. Y. Lu, Global Entropy Solutions of Cauchy Problem for the Le Roux System, Applied Mathematics Letters, 60(2016), 61-66.
[82]. Y. Lu, X. Lu and C. Klingenberg, The Cauchy problem for multiphase first-contact miscible models with viscous fingering, Nonlinear Analysis, Real World Applications, 27(2016), 43-54.
[81]. Y. Lu, C. Klingenberg, U. Koley and X.Z. Lu, Decay rate for degenerate convection diffusion equations in both one and several space dimensions, Acta Matematica Scientia, 35B(2015), 281-302.
[80]. Y. Lu, C. Klingenberg, L. Rendon and D. Zheng, Global Solutions for a Simplified Shallow Elastic Fluids Model, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol. 2014, Article ID 920248, 5 pages.
[79]. J. Caicedo, C. Klingenberg, Y. Lu and L. Rendon, Hyperbolic approximation on system of elasticity in Lagrangian coordinates, Natural Sciences, 6 (2014), 477-486.
[78]. D. Zheng, Y. Lu, G. Song, and X. Lu, Global existence of solutions for a nonstrictly hyperbolic system, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol. 2014, Article ID 691429, 7 pages.
[77]. Y. Lu, I. Mantilla, L. Rendon and D. Zheng, A new application of the flux approximation method on hyperbolic conservation systems, Advances in Pure Mathematics, 2013, 3, 698-702.
[76]. Y. Lu, Existence of global weak entropy solutions to some nonstrictly hyperbolic systems, SIAM. Journal on Math. Anal., Vol. 45(2013), No. 6, pp. 3592–3610.
[75]. Y. Lu, Existence of global entropy solutions to general system of Keyfitz-Kranzer type, J. Funcl. Anal., 264 (2013), 2457-2468 .
[74]. F. Gu, Y. Lu and Q. Zhang, Global solutions to one-dimensional shallow water magnetohydrodynamic equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 401 (2013), 714-723.
[73]. Y. Lu and F. Gu, Existence of global entropy solutions to the isentropic Euler equations with geometric effects, Nonlinear Analysis, Real World Applications, 14(2013), 990-996.
[72]. Y. Lu and F. Gu, Existence of global bounded weak solutions to Keyfitz-Kranzer system, Commun. Math. Sci., 10 (2012), No.4, 1133-1142.
[71]. Y. Lu, Existence of global bounded weak solutions to a symmetric system of Keyfitz-Kranzer type, Nonlinear Analysis, Real World Applications, 13(2012),235-240.
[70].Y. Lu, Existence of global bounded weak solutions to a non-symmetric system of Keyfitz-Kranzer type, J. Funct. Anal., 261(2011), 2797-2815.
[69]. Y. Lu, Global existence of solutions to resonant system of isentropic gas dynamics, Nonlinear Analysis, Real World Applications, 12(2011),2802-2810.
[68]. Y. Lu, Resonance for the isothermal system of isentropic gas dynamics, Proc. A.M.S., 139 (2011) 2821-2826.
[67]. Y. Lu, Y. Peng and C. Klingenberg, Existence of global solutions to isentropic gas dynamics equations with a source term, Science China, 53 (2010), 1: 115-124.
[66]. Y. Lu and C. Klingenberg, Singular Limits for Inhomogeneous Equations of Elasticity, Acta Math. Sci., 29B(2009), No. 3, 645-649(吴文俊院士九十大寿专缉).
[65]. Y. Lu, Strong entropy for system of isentropic gas dynamics, Acta Math. Appl. Sinica, Vol. 24, 3(2008), 405-408(丁夏畦院士八十大寿专缉).
[64]. Y. Lu, Nonlinearly degenerate wave equation, Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Vol. XXXI, No. 119(2007), 275-283
[63]. Y. Lu, Some results on general system of isentropic gas dynamics,Differential Equations, 43(2007), No. 1, 130-138.
[62]. Y. Lu, Nonstrictly hyperbolic systems with stiff relaxation terms, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 324(2006), 1407-1416.
[61]. Y. Lu, Lower bound estimates for viscosity solutions to isentropic gas dynamics and to Euler equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 323(2006), 558-568.
[60]. Y. Lu, Global weak solution for a symmetrically hyperbolic system, Appl. Math. Letters, 19(2006),No.6, 522-526。
[59]. Y. Lu, Existence of global entropy solutions to a nonstrictly hyperbolic system, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 178 (2005) 287-299.
[58]. Y. Lu and C. Klingenberg, Viscosity and relaxation approximations of hyperbolic-elliptic mixed type system, Proc. A.M.S., 132(2004), No. 5, 1305-1309.
[57]. Y. Lu and C. Klingenberg, A mixed type system of three equations modelling reaction flows, Proc. A.M.S., 131(2003), 11, 3511-3516.
[56]. C. Klingenberg, Y. Lu and L. Rendon, The global Lipchitz-continuous solutions of isentropic gas dynamics, Applicable Analysis, 82(2003), 1, 35-43.
[55]. C.Klingenberg, Y. Lu and H.J. Zhao, $L1$-singular limit for the relaxation and viscosity approximations, Electron. J. Diff. Eqns., Vol. 2003, No. 23, 1-11.
[54]. Y. Lu and L. Qian, Regularity of viscosity solutions of a degenerate parabolic equation, Proceedings of A.M.S., 130(2002), 999-1004.
[53]. Y. Lu, H\"older estimates of solutions on a degenerate diffusion equation, Proceedings of A.M.S., 130(2002), 1339-1343.
[52]. Y. Lu, Relaxation limit for hyperbolic systems in chromatography, Proceedings of A.M.S., 130(2002), 3579-3583.
[51]. Y. Lu, I. Mantilla and L. Rendon, Holder estimates of solutions on the equation $u_{t}= \Delta G(u)$, Applicable Analysis, 81(2002), 333-339.
[50]. Y. Lu, Singular limits of stiff relaxation and dominant diffusion for nonlinear systems, J. Diff. Equs. 179(2002), No. 2, 687-713.
[49]. F. Caicedo, Y. Lu and M. Sepulveda, Relaxation approximations and BV estimates for some partial differential equations, Electron. J. Diff. Equs., Vol. 2002(2002), No. 19, pp. 1-10.
[48]. Y.Lu and W. Jaeger, On solutions to nonlinear reaction diffusion convection equations with degenerate diffusion, J. Diff. Equas., 170 (2001), No. 1, 1-21.
[47]. Y. Lu and M. Sepulveda, Artificial and physical viscosity solutions for a hyperbolic conservation system, Applicable Analysis, 78(2001), 33-42.
[46]. Y. Lu, I. Mantilla and L. Rendon, Convergence of approximated solutions to nonstrictly hyperbolic system, Advanced Nonlinear Studies, 1(2001), 65-79.
[45]. Y. Lu and C. Klingenberg, The relaxation limits for systems of Broadwell type, Differential and Integral Equations, Vol. 14(2001), No.1, 117-127.
[44].Y. Lu, Holder estimates of solutions of biological population equations, Appl. Math. Letters, 13(2000), 123-126.
[43]. Y. Lu, Holder estimates of solutions of some doubly nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations, Communcation in P.D.E., 24(1999), 5&6, 895-914.
[42].Y. Lu, P. Sweby and K. Chen, The rate of convergence of the viscosity method for a nonlinear hyperbolic system, Nonlinear Analysis, 38(1999), 4: 435-445.
[41]. C. Klingenberg and Y. Lu, The vacuum case in Diperna's paper, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 1225(1998),679-684.
[40]. Y. Lu, Existence of global solutions for viscoelastic systems, J. Math. Anal. Appl.. 218(1998), 175-182.
[39]. Y. Lu and C. Klingenberg, Existence of solutions to hyperbolic conservation laws with a source, Commun. Math. Phys., 187(1997), 327-340.
[38]. W Jaeger and Y. Lu, Global regularity of solutions for general degenerate parabolic equations in 1-D, J. Diff. Equs., 140(1997), 365-377.
[37]. Y.Lu, Z.Wang, C.Zhu and H.Zhao, Convergence of the viscosity method for a nonstrictly hyperbolic system, J. Sys. Sci. & Math. Scis., 16(1996), 1: 36-47.
[36]. Y. Lu, Existence of generalized solutions for some coupled systems of nonlinear hyperbolic equations, J. Sys. Sci. & Math. Scis., 16(1996),4: 125-135.
[35]. Y. Lu and B. Xuan, Riemann problem on some hyperbolic PDEs (in Chinese), Acta Math. Sci., 16(1996), 187-194.
[34]. C. Klingenberg and Y. Lu, Cauchy problem for hyperbolic conservation laws with a relaxation term, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin. 126(1996), 821-828.
[33]. Y. Lu and C. Klingenberg, The Cauchy problem for hyperbolic conservation laws with three equations, J. Math. Appl. Anal., 202(1996), 206-216.
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[03]. A. Jeffrey and Y. Lu, A study of the global weak solution for the isentropic equations of polytropic gas, AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Volume 3, 1997(261-270).
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11.一类非线性抛物方程组整体解的先验估计,(国家自然科学基金面上项目12071106),主持人,2021.01.01-2024.12.31, 50万元
10.一类非线性双曲方程组解的存在性和大时间性态,(省自然科学基金项目LY20A010023), 主持人,2020-2021, 6万元
9. 浙江省重点学科“基础数学”, 主持人,250万, 2013-2021
8. 非线性双曲守恒律和补偿列紧理论(国家自然科学基金面上项目11271105),主持人,2013-2016, 68 万元
7. 补偿列紧理论在非线性双曲守恒律中的应用,(省自然科学基金
项目LY12A01030), 主持人,2012-2013, 6万元
6. 中科院百人计划项目《非线性双曲守恒律的研究》,200万元,主持人,2001-2010
5. 中科院院长特别基金《补偿列紧理论与松驰现象》,9万元,主持人,1997-1999
4. 国家自然科学青年基金项目《某些非线性双曲守恒律整体解的研究》(批准号:19201038), 1.4万元,主持人,1993-1995
3. 中科院留学择优支持基金《补偿列紧理论的应用》,2万元,主持人,1993
2. 国家“八·五”攀登项目《非线性科学》子课题《非线性发展方程》,5万元,参加人(主持人:丁夏畦院士),1991-1995
1. 中科院重大项目《数理科学》,20万元,主要参加人(主持人,丁夏畦院士), 1988-1990
1. 1994年获国家科委、科协、团中央授予的《首届全国杰出青年科技标兵》称号
2. 1994年成果《补偿列紧理论与某些拟线性双曲守恒方程组》获中科院自然科学奖贰等奖,完成人:陆云光、林培雄、陈贵强
3. 1995年获中科院青年科学家奖贰等奖,独立
4. 论文《带小粘性的非齐项弹性方程组的存在性及渐近性》(英文)获湖北省第四届自然科学优秀学术论文壹等奖,独立
5. 论文Existence of Global Entropy Solutions to a Nonstrictly Hyperbolic System被评为安徽省第五届自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖,2007年1月,省级,独立
6. 1993年起享受政府特殊津贴
7. 2009年获江苏省五一劳动荣誉奖章
8. 2011年起入选浙江省特聘专家
9. 2011年获中国科学院"优秀研究生指导教师"奖(培养的博士获中国科学院优秀博士论文奖、国家优秀博士论文提名奖)
10. 2012年获杭州市自然科学优秀学术成果奖一等奖(1/1)
11. 2012年获浙江省自然科学学术奖一等奖(1/2)
12. 2012年获浙江省高校自然科学成果奖二等奖(1/1)
13. 2016年入选浙江省钱江特聘教授
14. 2017年成果《补偿列紧理论及相关双曲方程组的研究》获浙江省人民政府自然科学奖三等奖, 完成人:陆云光、胡燕波
1. 1997年元月起任中国《数学物理学报》中、英文版编委
2. 2007年6月始为哥伦比亚国家科学院院士
3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目通讯评审专家
4. Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., SIAM, JDE等一流杂志审稿人