报告摘要:The ability to modulate an optical field via an electric
field is regarded as a key function of electro-optic interconnects, which are
used in optical communications and information-processing systems. One of the
main devices required for such interconnects is the electro-optic modulator
(EOM). Current EOMs based on electro-optic and electro-absorption effects often
are bulky and power-inefficient due to the weak electro-optic properties of
their constituent materials. Here, we propose a new mechanism to produce an
arbitrary-waveform EOM based on quantum interference, in which both real and
imaginary parts of the susceptibility are engineered coherently with super-high
efficiency. Based on this EOM, a waveform interconnect from the voltage to the
modulated optical absorption is realized. In addition, we presented an
electrically controlled quantum memory and entanglement in such an electro-optic system .We expect that such a
new type of electro-optic interactions will have a broad range of applications,
including in optical communications and networks.
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