一、题目: The period function of Hamiltonian systems with separable variables
三、时 间:2019年11月02日(周六) 下午15:300 —16:10
四、地 点:闻理园A4--305室
报告摘要: In this talk we intrudoce our recent results on the period function of planar Hamiltonian differential systems with separable variables. More concretely we are concerned with the search of sufficient conditions implying the monotonicity of the period function, i.e., the absence of critical periodic orbits. We are also interested in the uniqueness problem and in this respect we seek conditions implying that there exists at most one critical periodic orbit. We obtain in a unified way several sufficient conditions that already appear in the literature, together with some other results that to the best of our knowledge are new. Finally we also investigate the limit of the period function as the periodic orbits tend to the boundary of the period annulus of the center.
现担任中国数学会奇异摄动专业委员会常务副理事长,中国数学会理事以及 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 和 International J. Bifurcation and Chaos 等SCI杂志的副主编。
主要结果发表在American J. Mathematics, Transactions of Amer. Math. Soc., Communications Math. Physics, J. Functional Analysis, Physica D, J. Nonlinear Science, J. Differential Equations和Ergodic Theoery and Dynamical Systems等国际核心期刊上。